Monday, August 23, 2010

Work continues...

Another day of work on the wall along the side of my yard.
It is amazing how much work goes into this wall. It is 51 feet of wall along the side of my front yard. First they took out everything, then dug a deep trench which was partially filled with gravel and cement, re barb and cinder blocks...and that was all below the surface.

Putting these blocks in takes time...they spread the grout on each one and level them one at a time as well. I'm amazed at the work that goes into this...and remember it's 100 degrees outside!Don and I are all about do it your self, and we work hard when we do projects around the house, but this is so much work and I appreciate all the hard work that goes into it! I will keep you updated as time goes along. I am told the wall may be complete by the end of today!

But now for something more fun....I got the privilege of watching Stella on Saturday while her parents worked. I got lots of help this day...

Cousin Joseph came home from San Diego for the weekend, and was happy to play with Stella.

Selin was more than happy to give many hugs and kisses...

And of course Uncle Don explained pre-season football to her....all in all, a wonderful time spent with our gorgeous Stella. Debbie and Chelsey came home from a hard day at work and enjoyed Don's great barbecue with us before heading home. We were exhausted by 8PM after a full day of Stella's incredible how playing with one wee one can tire a whole family of adults out!


Judy S. said...

Isn't it amazing that as cute as they are, those little ones can wear you out? Stella's sure a sweetie. Your wall is taking shape! It seems like projects always take longer than expected, at least around here.....

Kris said...

The wall is going to look nice. We are having some major tree trimming and removal of a giant pine in the front that died, going on next week. So hot for outside work! That little Stella is adorable!! It is wonderful to have them in our lives, but boy I don't know about you, but I sure don't feel as young as I used to be!!!

Michelle said...

Little ones can be so exhausting, but they are fun and only little for such a short time.

mountain mama said...

hi linda! it's great to "meet" you!

stella is just precious! love the flowers and the new wall!!!

i'm your newest follower, have a great week! :)

Debbiedoos said...

Great outdoor project...look at all that concrete. Thanks for your input on my survey, sure helped me put things into perspective. Debbie