Tuesday, December 31, 2013

 This morning I got a message from another blogger...who said it had been way TOO long since I posted anything...very true! I have been away so long...I was quite overwhelmed this past few months...
 For starters...I went back to school last year and as I move on...the classes are harder and I need to take more time to study...then Don decided to go get a part time job...which turned into 30 hours a week...and my Etsy shop exploded with business!! That was a good thing...well...everything was...
But it lesft me very little time for things like blogging, sleeping, gardening...I was at my sewing machine at least 12 hours a day...7 days a week to keep up...I even had to hire Don! He was a cheap hire! We got through...got everything shipped on time...and some wonderful reviews from many of my customers...and I hope some happy recipients of their gifts....
 Funny thing is...I didn't even get a Christmas tree until 3 days before Christmas...and there were some sad trees by that time! But we had a wonderful quiet Christmas...and we took a couple days to recuperate...now I'm playing catch up...I do have a clean house...but my yard was really suffering...Don mowed and gave the most basic needs...but there is so much more than that to do...
 So I have been busy trimming and cleaning all the lovleys in my yard...and things are looking better than I thought they would...its been  a warm winter for the most part...some rain...not near enough...and  ALOT of wind...
 But as you can see...things are perking right up...
 But this is what my yard looked like a couple weeks ago...I know...hard to believe! We had a hail storm...and the white stuff covered most of my yard...it lasted almost and hour....it looks like snow in these pictures...
 Here's what it was though...crazy! There was a pile nearly two feet high that came sliding off the roof in the corner of my front flower bed...thankfully that's where my stepping stones are...so no one was injured! I did lose a few friends though...a peppermint in a pot...quite a few impatiens...everyone got a bit battered...
The rest that survived are back to this! We have been in the low 70's since then...chilly at night, but wonderful gardening weather during the day...in fact as soon as I finish my post I am going back out to garden on the side of the house and wash a few windows...
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Season...I am going to take some time to read all your back posts and make a HUGE effort to catch up!
A very Happy New Year to you all!!!!
Until next time...enjoy your day!!


Terry said...

Your flowers are beautiful! It's so nice to see them when it's only 20F here today, with a wind chill of 3. It will be a long time before my flowers are blooming again. Thanks for sharing! :0)

Earlene said...

I would love to be able to garden right now.
Your yard is very pretty. What are the small bushy purple fowers?
Happy New Year 2014

Leslie said...

Happy New Year!!!

Kris said...

You blogged! That hail was crazy! Your yard looks fantastic! Mine is a mess!
xo Kris

Traci said...

Wow! Y'all have been busy! That hail is crazy! I've never seen so much. Happy New Year!